Saturday, August 3, 2013

How To Play Poker: Poker Rules

If you are a beginner in playing poker, you need to know all the rules and options in your hand to win in the poker table.

You need to know more about betting. If no other player has already bet, you have two options: you can either check or bet. If you check, you are not committing any chips to the pot, you are not betting and you are waiting to see what other players might do after you. If you bet, you are putting chips into the pot and require all other player to put at least the same amount to put on the pot if they want to stay on the hand.
Poker Rules (Image Reference)
If somebody has already bet, you have three options:  you can call, raise or fold. If you call, you agree to put amount of chip on the pot. If you raise, you will have to put larger amount of chips on the pot and raise need to be at least the size of the bet preceded. If you fold, you give all your cards to the dealer and you will stop playing.

In no limit poker the minimum bet is the size of the big blind but there is no maximum amount. At any time any player can go all in and that everything that earn have in fun of them.
If a player bets more than you have, you can call “all-in” and you will have the chance of win just as many chips from any opponent that are still in their hand. Any leftover chips will go into a “side pot” for remaining players. Well these are the basics of no limit Texas hold’em.
It might seem like a lot but these are some simple things you need to know.

These are nothing theoretical and rather practical and if you play some free online poker you will understand these poker rules. I think you have learnt enough from our site regarding “how to play poker” and if our site is a bit of help for you we feel proud for that. We are hoping for the best of your playing poker and hopefully you are going to be a fast learner of all other poker rules.

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